
Las Coplas de Yosef: Entre la Biblia y el Midrash en la poesía judeoespañola
Negrón LG, Minervini L. Las Coplas de Yosef: Entre la Biblia y el Midrash en la poesía judeoespañola. Madrid: Gredos; 2006.
Guyot S. How the Go-Between Cut Her Nose: Two Ibero-Medieval Translations of a Kalilah wa-Dimnah Story Rouhi L, Robinson C. In Under the Influence. 2005 :231-259.
Negrón LG. El laberinto y sus reveses en Juan de Mena. Medioevo Romanzo. 2004;28 : 129-166.
Negrón LG. El canto del ave: música y éxtasis en la Cantiga de Santa María 103 Manero MP. Literatura y espiritualidad. 2003 :35-59.
Negrón LG. Your dove-eyes among your hairlocks': Language and Authority in Fray Luis de León's Respuesta que desde su prisión da a sus émulos. Renaissance Quarterly Studies. 2001;54 (4) :1197-1250.
Negrón LG. Commo a cuerpo santo': el prólogo del Zifar y los furta sacra hispano-latinos. Bulletin Hispanique. 2001;102 (2) :345-368.
Negrón LG. Tassels or Skirts? Some Notes on a Lexicographic Gloss in the General estoria. Romance Philology. 2001;54 :331-350.
Negrón LG. La maldición del can: la polémica antijudía en el Libro del caballero Zifar. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool). 2001;78 (3) : 275-295.
Alfonso d e la Torre 's 'Visión Deleytable': Philosophical Rationalism and the Religious Imagination in 15th Century Spain
Negrón LG. Alfonso d e la Torre 's 'Visión Deleytable': Philosophical Rationalism and the Religious Imagination in 15th Century Spain. In: Leiden: B rill ; 2001.Abstract
This volume examines the sources, content and fate of the 15th century allegorical fable "Vision Deleytable" from three angles: as a medieval compendium of religious philosophy, a major influence in Spanish literature and a historical resource on Jewish-Christian interactions in medieval Spain. It is divided into three sections. The first part considers "Vision"'s didacticism within the Jewish and Christian frames of education in 15th century Spain. The second part reviews "Vision"'s philosophical content in comprehensive articulation of a rationalist "Weltanschauung". The final section traces its editorial fate and literary influence through the 17th century in Spain, Italy and the Netherlands.
Negrón LG. Huellas hebraicas en la poesía del Marqués de Santillana." In Encuentros and Desencuentros: Spanish Jewish Cultural Interactions. (Parrondo CC). Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects; 2000 pp. 161-211.